Thursday, September 16, 2010

EOC: Week 10: Art Serving Capitalism

This statement is quite bold. Capitalism has such a negative connotation to it nowadays, especially in the current economic climate.
But is that really what advertising is? Art serving capitalism?

In a sense, yes. Advertisements seek to sell product. These products seek to be bought by customers. These customers are part of a capitalistic society, making money off its citizens in any way it can.
A quote from Goodby Silverstein and Partners sums this thought up pretty well: Art teaches business to dance. It's all about showing us what you're made of and why we should buy your product. Don't just tell us why, but SHOW us. That's what art is all about: showing something and getting a reaction or response.
But where does this relationship between art and advertising come from? It is possible that "like any significant aspect of the human experience, advertising has been interpreted through art... As art incorporates advertising and information and information media includes more ads and design, advertising cannot help but inch towards more honesty and art." ( Is this to say that with every step towards art, advertising is becoming more honest? One could only hope.
But it's safe to say that our capitalistic ways will not be lost on future generations any time soon. We will still want to buy things, and once we buy those things we'll want more. We simply aren't ever satisfied. And why would we? There are all these clever ads influencing you...and your wallet.

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